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Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Do you feel self-conscious about smiling and laughing because you don’t like the colour of your teeth? Teeth whitening is ideal for people who suffer from stained teeth which can become discoloured over time and due to certain lifestyle habits. For example, smoking can stain teeth yellow as can drinking a lot of coffee, tea and red wine.

A bright, healthy looking smile can take years off your appearance and really boost your confidence – teeth whitening offers a non-invasive way to achieve this.

Our at home teeth whitening treatment produces great whitening results using a safe dental bleaching agent.Achieve the smile you want in an affordable and easy way that fits in with your lifestyle.

Our Whitening Package includes the following

  • A consultation appointment with your dentist to discuss the shade you want to achieve and to take impressions for your mouth trays
  • Your custom-made plastic mouth trays to hold the whitening gel Tubes of whitening gel
  • Your tray fitting and instruction appointment
our whitening package includes the following

Individual results vary and are based on your initial tooth colour and the nature of your tooth staining. Having regular hygiene clean scan also help you achieve a brighter, cleaner looking smile.

If you would like to find out more about our services or to book an appointment please call us on 01924 383369.

St Michaels Family Dental Practice

155 Dewsbury Rd

01924 383369