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Dental Health Check

Whether it’s your first appointment or a regular check-up, we’ll carry out a comprehensive oral examination. During your visit, we listen to your needs to find out exactly how we can help and care for your oral health.

Dental Examinations include:

  • A review of your medical and dental history
  • Screening for oral cancers
  • A periodontal health evaluation (your gums)
  • An examination of your teeth and soft tissues
  • Radiographs (where clinically necessary only)
  • Assessing for TMJ problems (jaw)
  • Checking the occlusion (how the teeth meet when biting)
Dental Examinations include
Why are Dental Examinations important?

Why are Dental Examinations important?

Your dental examination gives us a thorough overview of your oral health and we’ll discuss all your options for future treatment, if any is required.

If you haven’t been to the dentist for a while, or are nervous, don’t worry at all as we have a very gentle and caring approach.

We believe in preventative dentistry, so we encourage all patients to make regular visits to both the dentist and hygienist.

If you would like to find out more about our services or to book an appointment please call us on 01924 383369.

St Michaels Family Dental Practice

155 Dewsbury Rd

01924 383369