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Invisalign for Invisible Straightening

Invisalign offers a convenient and comfortable alternative to traditional braces and is a virtually invisible way to straighten misaligned teeth. The system uses cutting-edge technology to create a series of custom-made, transparent and removable plastic aligners.

Invisalign aligners gradually and gently shift teeth into a more favourable position. They can achieve great results for mild to moderate tooth alignment and bite related problems.

Invisalign for Invisible Straightening
benefits of invisalign

Benefits of Invisalign

  • Low visibility – no metal at all, hardly anyone will notice them
  • Removable – Invisalign can be removed for meals and special occasions
  • Better oral health – as the aligners are not attached to your teeth they allow for normal brushing and flossing, meaning it’s easier to maintain oral health during treatment
  • Comfortable – no metal brackets or wires to irritate your gum or the inside of your mouth

Try out your Smile before Starting Treatment!

Find out if Invisalign orthodontic treatment is for you and see how your smile will look after treatment.



How long does Invisalign take?

The length of your Invisalign treatment will depend on your needs, and the issues that are being corrected. As a general guideline however, you can expect treatment to take an average of 9 to 12 months for adult patients.

Minor issues can be resolved in less time, for example to close a gap between two teeth or to solve a mild case of crowding.
When you visit us for an orthodontic consultation, we’ll be able to tell you how long you can expect your treatment to last.

Contact us for more information on Invisalign.

If you would like to find out more about our services or to book an appointment please call us on 01924 383369.

St Michaels Family Dental Practice

155 Dewsbury Rd

01924 383369